What To Wear For Construction Safety: The Ultimate Guide

Construction site safety is paramount. It’s difficult enough to work in a confined space with chaotic activities going on all around you, let alone if that space is also extremely hot or cold. Construction workers are exposed to so many different elements that it makes sense that accidents happen. To make sure your workers stay safe, you need to outfit them in the right clothing and safety gear at all times. That way, they can stay warm or cool as needed in any climate, avoid cuts and abrasions, protect their skin from harmful materials, and more. In this article, we’ll give you everything you need to know about what safety gear to wear when working on a construction site so that no one gets hurt and your company doesn’t end up paying for it later. What Types of Safety Gear do You Need to Wear? Construction sites can have many hazards that can lead to injuries, including sharp objects (including screws, nails, and other fasteners) oil and grease, heavy equipment, and more. You should a...